Due to high demand, AFOA BC will be hosting a virtual session for our First Nations Audit Preparation Seminar on February 23, 2023!
In this interactive one-day workshop, participants will learn how to organize for an audit, find and select the right Auditor, and manage the audit process. Participants will share smart practices and ideas on how to create an audit plan that will work for you. We will also get updates from Indigenous Services Canada, First Nations Health Authority and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation on their audit requirements for 2023.
[button link=”https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tcO-qqDwuGdbUABdAE3-ms_B-5GjP0JBS” type=”big” color=”teal” newwindow=”yes”] REGISTER HERE [/button]
This event is co-hosted by Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) & Aboriginal Financial Officers Association Of BC (AFOA BC).
Open to any BC First Nation or Indigenous organization participant to attend. AFOA BC membership not required to attend.
Please reach out to reception@afoabc.org for details or join our mailing list HERE.